by Mark | Apr 18, 2017 | Tutorial
As it can be difficult to find any specific post as time goes on, this Master Post will act as an index for all the Tutorial Tuesday posts. It will provide direct links to each post listed below. Links will be added as posts are made available. PRE-PRODUCTION CONCEPT...
by Mark | Apr 11, 2017 | Tutorial
For me, making a piece of art is like writing. Before anything else, I ask myself what it is going to be about. In this instance, I knew I wanted it tied to the season of spring. A recent conversation with a cousin involved my grandmother and spring robins. So I also...
by Mark | Nov 4, 2016 | Uncategorized
Despite its name, the Panda Ant is a type of wingless wasp. But why am I sharing this fun tidbit with you? Consider the Panda Ant as your first look at one of the new portraits from Atypical Animal Book, my upcoming work featuring some of the most interesting and...
by Mark | Oct 28, 2015 | Uncategorized
It has never been much of a secret that I love Halloween. Zac Gorman did a great comic that explains my reason why. Anyways, this year, I ran across an article listing 31 horror movies for horror newbies1 and decided to have myself a month-long, scary movie marathon,...